
The recognition for temporary and incidental work is the same as the recognition for permanent work as a Traindriver. For the safety job of Traindriver, the following applies.

request for recognition of professional qualifications third countries (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein)

The procedure starts with the apply of a request for recognition Traindriver at the VVRV offices. This can be done by sending an email to of by mail to VVRV, Boerhavelaan 40, 2713 HX Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Following documents must be send with the email:

  1. Proof of nationality:
    A document that proves the nationality of the Traindriver (e.g. passport)

  2. Copy of the competence certificates or educational title that gives acces tot the job of Traindriver. If possible, preferably with an overview of the  professional competence requirements connected to the certificate.

  3. Document concerning the physical and mental health of the Traindriver.

  4. Proof of language skills:
    a proof that the applicant meets the standards of Dutch language that are required fort his specific safety job.

If relevant information on the professional competence requirements and  the examination of it is also delivered, the procedure may be shortened and the costs will probably be less high.


Within one month after receiving the application, VVRV will send an acknowledgement of receipt to the applicant. The request will be handled as soon as possible, ultimately within three months.


The costs of handling the request depend on the amount of working hours VVRV has to invest in examining and judging the request and the documents. VVRV will make an estimate of the costs in advance, this estimate will ben given with the acknowledgement of receipt. The real costs will not differ more than 20 % of the given estimate and will be based on the hours work at a standard rate of € 75,- per hour exclusive 21 % VAT.  
The outcome of the procedure can be, in those cases with no other EU law applicable, that the safety worker has to do an adaptive internship with a positive evaluation, and/or an aptitude test, before he can start working in the Netherlands, in the event that the investigations turn out that he does not meet all the qualifications and professional competence requirements that are required in the Netherlands. 
In some cases it could be easier and cheaper to take the standard examination; the choice is to the applicant.

objection and appeal

An investigation for recognition of professional qualifications is a rating of knowledge and ability, by comparing the rating and examination in another state with the rating and examination in the Netherlands. On the basis of article 8.4 third paragraph opening words and under b juncto article 7.1 paragraph 1 of the ‘Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht (Awb- general administrative law)’, no objection or appeal is open to a decision on rating knowledge and ability by examination or otherwise, neither withholding the determination of assessment standards of rules for examination or reviewing. Objection or appeal on other aspects than the above, can be addressed to ‘de Staatssecretaris van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat (the Secretary of State of Infrastructure and Water management), p.o. box 20901, 2500 EX Den Haag, The Netherlands.

other information

The examination Programme Traindriver gives an overview of the professional requirements that a Traindriver in the Netherlands has to meet. You can find this Programme at the end of the following page